Thursday, October 6, 2016

Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser

It's that time of year again to help our school raise some money with the Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser! This fundraiser is by far the most profitable to the schools. 
Your child will receive and order form  next Tuesday, October 11 with to fundraise for our school. Donuts are $8.00 a dozen. Order forms and all money are due on Friday October 14, 2016. Donuts will be delivered on Monday October 17, 2016. 

If your child sells more than 2 boxes of donuts, they will not be allowed to ride the bus on the day of delivery, Monday, October 17, 2016.
The class from each grade level with the most sales will be awarded a pizza party.

Thank you for helping out our school with this fundraiser!
Las escuelas primarias de Muleshoe, estaràn vendiendo donas Krispy Kreme este año. Esta recaudaciòn de fondos ha sido la màs pròspera para las escuelas. 

Con esta hija encontrara el formilarìo para tomar òrdenes. Todas las formas con el dinero tienen que ser entregadas al vienrnes 14 de octubre. Las donas Krispy Kreme seràn distribuidas el lunes 17 de octubre. 

Si su niño(a) vende màs de dos cajas, no podràn irse por el camion el 17 de octubre. Usted tendrà que venir a recogerlo(a).

La clase de cada grado que haya vendido màs donas tendrà un celebraciòn con pizza.

Gracias por ayudamos nuestra escuela con esta recaudaciòn de fondos!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Parent Conferences!

Just a reminder ... Parent Conferences are tomorrow, Wednesday, October 5th at whatever time you signed up with your child's homeroom teacher. 

We will also have early release at 11:40 a.m.

We hope to see everyone at parent conferences! :)

Exploring Magnets in First Grade!

Last week for science, 1st Grade explored magnets! After we reviewed with the Magnets BrainPOP on Wednesday we did our Magnets quiz.

Thursday and Friday the kids worked in their learning groups exploring magnets! There were 6 different learning stations they visited. The kids played a magnet sorting and testing game on the SMART board, took turns reading a book about magnets as a group, tried to make ring magnets and a paperclip float, looked at how magnets move in different liquids, tested then recorded magnetic and non-magnetic items, and played with magnetic wants and different items to see how they interacted with the magnets. 

Problem Solving ... with Mazes!

Last week, after kindergarten finished talking about problem solving and littering, they made mazes. They had to use play dough and popsicle sticks to make their maze and get a ball (a piece of litter) from the ground (beginning of the maze) to the trash can (end of the maze). The put their mazes on serving trays (thank you, Mrs. Toscano for letting me borrow yours!) to they could move their ball around when they were ready. There was some awesome problem solving, discussion and team work going on!


Problem Solving ... Littering!

Last week in science, kindergarten talked about littering being a problem in their classrooms, and we enriched on it in my SSTEAM class. The first day, we watched a BrainPOP about reducing, reusing and recycling to go with the littering they were talking about in their classes (which took up most of our Wednesday).

Thursday when the kids came in, we went outside to solve our "littering problem". Someone had thrown litter all over the ground! Ok, it was me ... but it was still a fun game! The kids started at one end of the courtyard and took turning in their group, relay style, grabbing a piece of litter and helping it make its way to their team's trash can. The winning group that had the most trash in their can got pencils! There were some fast kiddos!