Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Blog Picture Permission Form

I'm getting more and more pictures edited and posted! If you don't see your child in a photo and would like to, please print and return the bottom of the following form (or send a note and I can get one to your child's teacher). Please be sure to include your child's name at the top! It is hard to tell who some papers belong to without the child's name.

Because this blog is not directly through the school district, I would like a separate form that shows permission. If you think your child has turned one in and you still don't see them, let me know and I'll go through my lists and file.

Click the download button below to download and print the above page and the rest of the SSTEAM flip book for my class.

If you have any questions, please let me know! Thanks!


I remembered to mention it in some classes today, but not all of them ... Venus is in the sky near the crescent moon! And she's so bright! It looks like just another star that's shining really bright, but it is in fact a planet! Mars is out there, too, but it's not as bright as Venus is and harder to see.

If you're having trouble finding it (or any planet/constellation for that matter), you can download the free app Sky Map from the iTunes or Google Play store.


Google Play

Sky View is another good one you can use that is also free.You can download them from the iTunes or Google Play store, as well.

Have fun looking at the night sky!

Monday, January 30, 2017

First Grade Rocks!

The second week of the semester, we started talking about rocks! Monday was MLK, so we skipped that day (because we talked about MLK and did our science/social studies activity).

Tuesday we watched our Rocks and Minerals BrainPOP and took our rock quiz.

Wednesday, the kids went on a rock scavenger hunt around the room. There were 7 different areas they could visit (4 at the tables and 3 on the mat) with all kinds of different rocks. 

They had to read what rock they were supposed to find, then visit the different places around the room and draw a picture of that rock once they found it.

Thursday, the kids worked with partners to write descriptions about a rock and record them in our "Talking Rock" Activity. The kids went to tables and chose a rock. Then, they filled in the blanks for 5 sentences that described their rocks. 

Once I checked their papers to make sure they put the right characteristics in the right places, they got to take a picture of their rock, and record what they wrote on their papers using an app called Chatterpix! (You can click the picture to download this app for free!)

The result ... talking rocks!

Second Grade Rocks!

The second week of the semester, we started talking about rocks! Monday was MLK, so we skipped that day (because we talked about MLK and did our science/social studies activity).

Tuesday we watched our Rocks and Minerals BrainPOP and took our rock quiz.

Wednesday, the kids went on a rock scavenger hunt around the room. There were 7 different areas they could visit (4 at the tables and 3 on the mat) with all kinds of different rocks. 

They had to read what rock they were supposed to find, then visit the different places around the room and draw a picture of that rock once they found it.

Some of the boys had a lot of rock questions, so I told them when they finished their scavenger hunt, they could check out my Rock Encyclopedia ... which they did until the end of class! :)

Thursday, the kids worked with partners to write descriptions about a rock and record them in our "Talking Rock" Activity. The kids went to tables and chose a rock. Then, they filled in the blanks for 5 sentences that described their rocks. 

Once I checked their papers to make sure they put the right characteristics in the right places, they got to take a picture of their rock, and record what they wrote on their papers using an app called Chatterpix! (You can click the picture to download this app for free!)

The result ... talking rocks! And here they are!