What an amazing turn out for Meet the Teacher!
Thank you to all who were able to attend this past Thursday night! A copy of
our presentation has been linked on our class blog page, or by clicking here.
I have been so excited reading and talking with
your children about their Science Fair topics! So many of them have already
discussed their procedures with me! We will begin working on our required
Science Fair tasks in class beginning Wednesday,
September 19. Please see our upcoming dates and assignments for the next
couple of weeks.
This week we will be MAP Testing for Math on
Monday, and Reading on Wednesday. We completed our goal setting and graphing
our MAP scores to track our growth in class Friday. A link to the Growth
Mindset Video we watched through ClassDojo can be found on our Class Dojo class
story page!
Upcoming Dates
Monday, September 17
Hat Creek
Monday, September 17
Math MAP Testing
*we will begin at 8:20
Wednesday, September 19
Reading MAP Testing
*we will begin at 8:20
Monday, September 24
PTA Membership Deadline
*The winning grade level gets a pajama day!
Thursday, September 27
Molix off campus – students will have a substitute this day
Upcoming Assignment due dates
Monday, September
Math Homework: Rounding to Solve and Money
stapled, and front and back
Science Homework: Volume and Capacity (Estimating
front and back
September 18
Classwork: Models for Adding
3-Digit Numbers
September 19
The following assignments have been pushed
back due to changes in lessons
Science Classwork: How Heavy Is It Investigation
*completed data sheet and conclusion
due at the end of class for a project grade; may be brought home to finish
conclusion if not already completed
Friday, September
Math Classwork: Solving Subtraction with Base Ten Blocks
*1 completed whole group, 4 completed
Monday, September
*to be passed out in class 9-17
Math Homework: Pages 113, 95, and 115
stapled, and front and back
Science Homework: Unit 1 Review
stapled, and front and back
Students may also bring home any
science fair work they are struggling to finish in class or may get behind on
at the end of the week and bring back to class 9-24-18
September 25
Science Classwork: Science Fair Project
*a list of required tasks can be found in the packet
that was sent home 9-11-18
This week, we will start our new unit on addition and subtraction.
Our first set of lessons focuses on different representations and strategies
when adding and subtracting whole numbers.
Some of the
areas we will be focusing on this week are:
Estimating sums and differences
Representing addition and subtraction
using base ten blocks, strip diagrams, and number lines
Using different strategies to add and
We will be
representing these skills in our math notebooks. Math notebooks can go home at
any time for extra practice and studying! Please be sure to return math
notebooks to school each day so that we may continue to take notes and work
through examples in them.
BrainPOPJr - Adding with Regrouping – View the video through BrainPOPJr where Annie and
Moby explain adding with regrouping. This is also a great review for how place
value is an important skill to remember when regrouping with addition. Choose
from 2 games on the Adding with Regrouping game page; Wuzziit Trouble and
Picture Maker.
Khan Academy - Addition and Subtraction – There are several fantastic videos listed on Khan
Academy’s Addition and Subtraction page for 3rd Grade. Strategies for Adding Two And Three-Digit
Numbers; Adding With Regrouping Within 1,000; and Subtracting With Regrouping
Within 1,000 all contain great examples and practices. Students are also
able to quiz at the end of each video!
BrainPOPJr - Subtracting with Regrouping – View the video through BrainPOPJr where Annie and
Moby explain subtrating with regrouping. This is also a great review for how
place value is an important skill to remember when regrouping with subtraction.
Choose from 2 games on the Adding with Regrouping game page; Wuzziit Trouble
and Picture Maker.
Math Antics - Subtraction with Regrouping – This video from Math Antics demonstrates how to
subtract greater numbers with regrouping. The word “borrowing” is used in the
video, but the term “regrouping” should be used to describe the process.
ABCYa - Estimating Sums and Differences – Practice estimating sums and differences at ABCya.com! Select addition or subtraction, choose a level, and have fun!
These links can be
accessed on our Addition
and Subtraction Symbaloo here.
Resources will be added as we continue through our Addition and Subtraction
Here are links to
Symbaloos for past units:

This week, we finish
up our metric measurement unit. We will begin working on Science Fair Wednesday
of this week. Unless notified otherwise, students will be conducting research
to answer their questions that were turned in this past Thursday, September 13.
During our Science
Fair lesson, we will be reviewing the following:
Fair testing is necessary in science and
Components of a fair test
Designing a fair test
Identifying testable variables
Collecting, recording, and analyzing information
gathered and organized
How to make measurements with appropriate units
The importance of accurate measurements
Research links for
kid-friendly websites can be found on our Science Fair Symbaloo here. As I discover more sites that are kid-friendly, I
will add them to our list. If you come across any sites that you think may be
helpful to us as we work through our Science Fair research, please let me know!
you so much for your dedication to helping your child learn.
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