One of their first stations was Matter Around the Room. The went around the room and found different task cards with different questions about states of matter on them. Once they figured out the answer, they wrote it down on their record sheet and moved to the next question. There were 20 different questions the kids had to find in various spots all over the room.
They also created and separated their own mixtures using various substances, cups, measuring cups and spoons, funnels and magnets. The iron filings were a class favorite! Last week, we mixed them with salt and watched how they could be separated. Most of the kids couldn't wait to try it this week!
In addition to making their own mixtures, the kids used beans and water to create either a mixture or solution (they had to determine which it was), then video a partner while asking several questions about their mixture or solution.
They also sorted different items in a t-chart based on whether they were a mixture or a solution. There were 9 different items they had to sort. Once they got their t-chart finished, they chose 1 item from the mixture category and 1 item from the solution category and wrote a sentence justifying their choice.
At another station, the kids did a unit 3 review with question about everything we have been talking about in unit 3. There were questions in 2 different formats: matching, true or false, and fill in the blank.
Their 6th and final station of the review was a unit 3 vocabulary puzzle. I took most of the vocabulary words we studies in unit 3 this cycle and put the words along with the definitions onto little triangles. The kids had to find the vocabulary word and definition that matched up together to finish their puzzle. If they were successful, their puzzle was in the shape of a triangle with the perimeter of the puzzle being completely blank. Some of the kids worked with a partner while others chose to work by themselves. We have a lot of little wordsmiths! Some kids even wanted to create their own puzzle! {If your child is one of them, I have inserted a link to the blank puzzles down at the bottom}
Here are some of the different activities we used in class for our unit 3 review:
Click {here} to visit Jennifer Findley's TpT page for this file |
Click {here} to visit The Classroom Nook's TpT page for this file |
Click {here} to visit Mary Keveren's TpT page for this file |
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Click {here} to download this file from Google drive |
We will have our Science Unit 3 assessment next Tuesday, December 12. The listed resources would be great to continue to practice at home with your child before our test!
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