Sunday, August 30, 2015

Our First Day of School!

This first week of school went by so fast, but the first DAY of school went by even quicker! I got some pictures of the kids while we did our getting to know you game and drank our jitter juice.

The first day of school is spent doing a lot of learning new rules and procedures and some cutsie crafts to take home. The very first thing we do in the morning is go to rotation as soon as breakfast is over. So, after our hour and a half rotation, we came back to the room, did our date, day, month and year on the calendar, buzz book, then played a getting to know you game with balloons! Each balloon had a different question in it that the kids answered after they popped it.

 After our getting to know you balloon game, we read The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn and made a Kissing Hand card to take home and read with our families.

When the afternoon hit, we read First Day Jitters (which is always fun because they never guess it's the teacher with first day jitters!) and talked about what jitters are and some times that we may have jitters. After our story, we made jitter juice to help our jitters go away. It worked!

After we finished our jitter juice snack, the kids played in free centers for the rest of the afternoon until it was time to go home. To pick their free center, they use our Center Spinner that's on the board. They can only go to a center once each week, so if they've already been to that center, the have to spin again. That way, everyone gets a chance to visit all of our centers.

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