Here is this week's snapshot if you are unable to get the e-mails. You can download the *.pdf file by clicking beneath the snapshot picture the below. All snapshots will be available in *.pdf form on the "Weekly Snapshots" page {here} once they are sent out and posted!
Beginning this upcoming {Friday, January 26}, Mrs. Castle and I are going to start implementing a new incentive plan! Students who complete all assignments that are due that week with high quality will be able to choose to visit Mrs. Castle's room for free reading time, or my room for math/science activity time. Mrs. Castle and I will switch off every other week and host Fun Fridays in our classrooms during lunch.
Beginning this upcoming {Friday, January 26}, Mrs. Castle and I are going to start implementing a new incentive plan! Students who complete all assignments that are due that week with high quality will be able to choose to visit Mrs. Castle's room for free reading time, or my room for math/science activity time. Mrs. Castle and I will switch off every other week and host Fun Fridays in our classrooms during lunch.
Click {here} to direct download this week's snapshot! |
Week of: January 22, 2018
Dear Parents,
We have a lot coming up these next few weeks of school! Due to our mock STAAR testing
days Monday, January 29 and Tuesday,
January 30, we will not have lunch visitors. Lunch visitors will resume Wednesday, January 31. Please
see the list of dates below for what we have going on at school over the next
few weeks as well as dues dates for next week’s scheduled homework.
Upcoming Dates
Monday, January 22
Monday Tutorials begin
(3:30 – 4:00)
Monday, January 22
Explorers begin
(4:00 – 5:00)
Tuesday, January 23
9s Timed Test
Tuesday, January 23
Unit 7 & 8
Social Studies Curriculum Assessment
Tuesday, January 23
Tuesday Tutorials begin
(3:30 – 4:00)
Wednesday, January
Class Group
Monday, January 29
Grade Mock STAAR – math
*no lunch visitors
Tuesday, January 30
Grade Mock STAAR – reading
*no lunch visitors
Upcoming Assignment due dates
Tuesday, January 23
Math Classwork: Exploring Multiplication with Base Ten
Wednesday, January
Math Classwork: Going Bananas for
Friday, January 26
Science Investigations/Classwork: Sheep in a Jeep
investigation tables and conclusions finished
HOMEWORK: Monday, January 22
Math homework: Countdown to the Math STAAR, Series 1 P5
and P6 {front
and back}
Science homework: Unit 6
Vocabulary/Unit 7 Guided Practice {front and back}
HOMEWORK: Monday, January 29
Math homework: Countdown to the Math STAAR, Series 1 P7
and subtraction with regrouping {front and back}
Science homework: Unit 7 Guided
Practice and Unit 7 Check for Understanding {front and back}
*number of classwork assignments may change throughout the week based on
classroom needs
We are continuing one
digit by two digit multiplication. Your child has learned quite a few
different methods for multiplying. They
are being encouraged to work the problem using two different methods because
checking by doing the problem the same way twice often leads to making the same
mistake twice. Some of these methods are
the traditional algorithm, using the distributive property and partial
products, the partial products box, the traditional set up with partial
products, and base 10 notation with partial products. This week, we revisit rounding as we learn to
estimate to multiply numbers.
**Showing Work:
Please double check to make sure your child is showing their work on their math
Students have gotten
much better at showing work on classroom assignments, but a reminder from home
will help to reinforce that justifying our answers is an expectation.
Resources to Help at Home
Division Math Practice – In this drag racing game, your child can
practice division facts while racing against the computer or other players.
Students in third
grade must master their multiplication facts with automaticity. This
means they are to recall these facts quickly. Each Tuesday, we have a two
minute test over the facts we have studied for the previous week. We will have our timed
multiplication test Tuesday, January 23 over 9s through the twelfth multiple.
Next Wednesday, February 1, we will test over 11s.
Training Tutorial - Division - This link will
take you to the division page. If you would like to practice other skills with
your child, you can search through them on the website’s home page.
Regrouping is
definitely a skill that needs to be reviewed often in addition and subtraction.
Many of our students are showing a need for this. Under
Subtraction, there is a two-digit with regrouping basketball game that would be
a great practice if your child wants to strengthen this skill.
That Quiz - Under Integers, click Arithmetic.
Adjust length, level, and time as needed. Click the box for
multiplication to let your child practice their facts.
Multiplication – Lots of free and entertaining games to practice
multiplication facts.
Education Galaxy – Use the skills practice section for math to
practice multiplication facts.
Diary Division Games - Use these games to
practice division and multiplication facts. Change the topics or grade level to
review different skills, or bump up to a more challenging level!

In science this week,
we will finish our unit on force and motion. We will continue looking at
pulling, pushing and gravity, as well as magnetism as the types of forces we
are studying.
We will start working
on our STEAMposium balloon powered cars on Tuesday this week! We will be
looking at the engineering design process, walking through the steps of the
engineering design process, and coming up with design plans and ideas for
creating a working balloon powered car.
We will be needing
recyclable materials to make our balloon powered cars. Any materials that you
have at home that could be sent would be greatly appreciated. As of now, we
have enough materials for about half of one class.
One of the activities
we did in during our first week of force and motion was walking around the room
and placing a sticky note on objects that we thought used a push or pull, then
we discussed it as a group. This could be done as just a discussion on the way
home from school, with different objects around the house, at the grocery
store, etc. The kids notice several of our science topics at lunch and can’t
wait to share their observations!
Kids - Force in Action– Using a car on a
track, test out different slopes, weights and parachutes to see what it takes
to get the truck to the end of the ramp. There is even a place to record your
observations on a table! You can find the full list of science games on their
homepage {here}.
Jams - Force and Motion – Play the video on
force and motion, and test yourself over various force and motion questions.
There are also other videos and slideshows that talk about other areas related
to force and motion (Newton’s laws, simple machines, gravity and inertia) that
you can find {here}.
Education Galaxy – On the top right, have your child go up one
level on the drop down menu. Then go to My Study Plan and choose science.
Practice Force.
Education – There is a large
supply of video, interactive learning, questions, and an interactive glossary
for vocabulary that is always helpful for whatever we are learning in science.
All content in this resource is searchable.
Balloon Powered Car Game - This is a downloadable game from PBS Kids that
lets kids create a virtual balloon powered car! The game walks you through
creating your car with different materials of different sizes, then testing
your car to see the distances your car traveled based on the materials and
sizing of the materials used.
Thank you so much for your dedication to helping your child learn.
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