Monday, September 5, 2016

Second Grade's Second Week of School!

Second grade had a SUPER busy week! They started the week of with music on Monday and Tuesday. We review steady beat and strong and weak beats from last week, then talked about different meters. The meter of 3 was our main focus in 2nd grade this week. To help us feel the beat of 3, we "ice skated" around the room to a waltz.

We also watched a video about meter and played a game where the kids had to guess if the meter was 2 or 4.

Wednesday and Thursday we did Social Studies. On Wednesday, we watched the School BrainPOP and took the quiz.

After the BrainPOP, we had time for one center. The kids finished the other 5 centers Thursday. The kid played on iPads, drew and wrote about a rule they follow in school, colored bookmarks, played on the SMART board, read and colored a book about our school community, and sorted pictures into things to bring to school and things to leave at home on our pocket chart stands.

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