Last week, we did a lot of word making stations. Some of the things the kids did last week were ...
File folder games making CCVC words. The kids had to get the letters in the bags on the back of the file folders, look at the pictures, and make those words on the file folder. The letters are all cut differently to help them match the letters, but they have to read them to each other when they finish to check themselves.
To go along with our space content in science, the kids had to separate real and nonsense words onto real (Earth) and nonsense (a pink ringed planet) mats, then record the words after they sorted them.
We hit spelling words hard last week! Some of these words were pretty hard to spell. They did a great job!
We reviewed some of the digraphs we had been working on from the week before last. For this station, I copied worksheets on colored paper, laminated them and cut them out to use as manipulatives. The kids had to trace the word, color it in, then find the matching picture that went along with that word.
The kiddos got to play ABCMouse last week. Don't forget you can log on at home!

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