Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine Party Day!

Friday, we spent a lot of the morning finishing up whatever last minute Valentine things weren't finished from throughout the week. After the few who needed to finish up some things did that, we read a Valentine story called Valentine's Day by Anne Rockwell.

In the book, the kids in a Mrs. Madoff's class make a valentine for a friend named Michiko who is now living in Japan. After we read the book, we made our own valentine's to give to someone. The kids traced and cut out a large heart on their paper, then decorated it however they wanted.

After we got back from rotation, we did a science experiment like one we did back in October for Kidsville with vinegar and baking soda. This time, we used some Valentine bottles I made (gluing decorated paper around where the label goes on a water bottle) and heart balloons! We put vinegar in our bottle like the last time, but this time, instead of putting baking soda in to bottle with the vinegar it went into the balloon.

I wrapped the balloon around the top of the bottle and then, when everyone was ready, I turned he balloon over and dumped the basking soda into the bottle. The reactions are always priceless! They predicted the balloon was going to explode.  I picked 5 other kids to dump the baking soda into the balloon after I showed them how to do it.

After lunch, I passed out valentine bags and gave the kids the valentine's I got and made for them. One of the things I made them was a tan-gram puzzle they had to put together. We had a little race to see who could put their puzzle together the quickest.

Then, it was party time! Thank you to all of the parents who brought food to our party and to those parents who helped get the kids their food so they could eat. I appreciate all of the help!

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